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M: He is very good and we used to go to different  schools but live 5 minutes away from each other.




X: The part of the city where we were living, the neighborhood is called Antiguo(ko) and in Basque Antiguoko means from  Antiguo. There we have a great team and we were playing in many places.




M: After we started to play together and to be fair we won everything. We won the national competition against like Real Madrid and these teams and we used to go aboard to Switzerland, to Italyto play  tournament. And we used to win every tournament.




X: (…)At first we had no idea what will happen in the future. But later on when we were 13 or 14,  he moved to Barcelona. So he started playing in the youth team(?) of Barcelona. So he was more closer to get there, to the professional level.




M: And that was our dream. He is a man for sure. It is something that comes across and obviously you have to go step by step. We chose different routes to reach… to top clubs. But we are all very proud because we are from the same city and very close to each other. And it’s been good and really strange how football work can take you to different routes and can set up a link to each other in Liverpool for example. That was we.




X: It’s a very intense relative [我觉得他想说的是intenserelation但是说成了intensive relative?]but it’s a quite healthy relative it’s not hate but it was veryvery intense games and it’s a massive game in Liverpool. And it was good because we were neighbors and we were playing against each other. He is in…was playing for Everton and I was playing for Liverpool.




M: We used to live in Albert Dock whichis the  center of Liverpool. Two door we were from each other on the same… on thefourth floor in the same building. We had several (?) when we played against eachother. He is a very competitive player and here we gave the maximum and when you are on the pitch, for me, there is no relationship. For me, even worse, you know, you want to beat them even more and you want (to) be even more focuson the  game.


我们过去住在利物浦市中心的Albert Dock。隔着两户,都住在同一栋楼的四楼。我们有过几次交锋,当我们在场上对抗的时候。他是一名很有竞争力的球员,我们都拼尽全力。但你在场上的时候,对我来说,没有什么关系可言。甚至对我来说要更糟一点,你知道,你甚至更想要击败他们,你甚至更想要专注于比赛。


X: I follow him very closely because we have kept in touch for ever from when he moved from Everton to Arsenal. I wanted to know what’s… how it works in Arsenal. And he’s enjoyed so far.




M: I am proud that he comes from the same city and he is taking that name as well when he is in Liverpool, Madrid and now Bayern Münich. Because he’s been successful everywhere. And the way he commits himself, the way he behaves I think it’s a great example for every kid like trying to be a footballer, a professional footballer to have a look at the man and see what you need to do to raise your level(?).




X: Have so much time being involved inthe game  that I have good friends out of the business and in the business because you meet great guys and you spend a lot of time with many of them so at the end you have a strong relation and friendship.




M: It’s very important but not every easy to have real friends for it maybe takes the next player to somewhere else and maybe don’t see him again in four or five years. You know. So to maintain that relationship has to be something that would be deeper than just a friendship and that really comes and lives more difficult when you have to make an effort as well to maintain that relationship because if not you just lose it.











*我等了阿森纳官网好几天都没发那个阿塔和虾皮的football friends的中译 现在又晚了一步 

